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institute of applied physics中文是什么意思

用"institute of applied physics"造句"institute of applied physics"怎么读"institute of applied physics" in a sentence


  • 应用物理研究所


  • Institute of applied physics and computational mathematics , beijing , 100088
    北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京, 100088
  • Mesoscopic physics laboratory , department of physics , peking university , beijing , 100871 ; laboratory of computational physics , institute of applied physics and computational mathematics , beijing , 100088
    北京大学物理系介观物理实验室,北京, 100871北京应用物理与计算数学研究所计算物理实验室,北京, 100088
  • The scientists leading the diamond project signed a memorandum of understanding last year with the shanghai synchrotron radiation facility and the shanghai institute of applied physics to promote collaboration on synchrotron development last year
用"institute of applied physics"造句  
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